In the heart of Médoc, halfway between Bégadan and Bordeaux, Fort Médoc is located in Cussac-Fort-Médoc, on the edge of the Gironde estuary. This site, which is around a fifty-minute drive from Vensac, is one of the essential places to visit during your stay at our Médoc campsite.

Fort Médoc, a monument of capital importance

The Gironde estuary has always been a strategic location for the conquest of the region. This waterway was already used by enemies during the Viking incursion and during battles during the Hundred Years’ War. This is the reason which pushed King Louis XIV to ask his military architect, Vauban, for a plan to strengthen the defense of the site.

Vauban then had the Lock of the Estuary built, a defensive triptych, of which Fort Médoc is a part. The other two are the Citadel of Blaye (commune of Blaye) and Fort Pâté (erected on Pâté Island in the middle of the estuary).

The role of Fort Médoc, the Citadel of Blaye and Fort Pâté was therefore to protect Bordeaux and its port.

The construction of the fort began in 1689 and was completed in 1694. This military fortification has been disarmed since 1916. In 2008, it was both classified as a Historic Monument of France and promoted to UNESCO world heritage.

Visit Fort Médoc, a nature and culture outing for the family

There are two ways to visit Fort Médoc: a self-guided tour with the help of a tour plan and a tour with a guide (reservation required).

Since 2020, visitors, via an augmented reality application, can visualize Fort Médoc as it was at the beginning of the 18th century, thus offering an immersive experience at the heart of this major heritage of Gironde.

Fort Médoc is a remarkable example of the ingenuity of Vauban’s military fortifications. During the visit to Fort Médoc, you will be able to discover the strategic and technical aspects of the defense of the Gironde estuary. You will explore the bastions, the casemates, the powder magazines…

At the end of your visit, don’t leave without admiring the view around you from outside Fort Médoc. Located on the left bank of the Gironde estuary, Fort Médoc offers beautiful views of the estuary.

The visit to Fort Médoc can be combined with visits to the sites of the Citadel of Blaye or Fort Paté for a full day dedicated to the “Lock of the Estuary”.

Gironde heritage tour

To visit the Gironde region and its heritage (Fort Médoc, Citadel of Blaye, Fort Paté), stay in our campsite Le Vieux Moulin, a charming open-air hotel located in the town of Vensac, in the Médoc.

You can also admire the rich landscape of the Gironde estuary. To do this, take a portion of the Médoc wine route, going from Vensac to Cussac-Fort-Médoc, via Saint-Germain-d’Esteuil.

Furthermore, plan a visit to some of the most beautiful villages on the banks of the Gironde estuary: Blaye, Margaux, Saint-Estèphe… You will discover along the way the castle of the Tour de By, the castle of Agassac, the castle of Arsac or the oriental-inspired castle Cos d’Estournel.

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