Do you want to discover the natural riches of the Médoc? To admire the coastline of the Côte d’Argent, stroll among the vineyards, penetrate the heart of a pine forest or explore the marshes, there is nothing like a bike ride! If you are staying at our campsite near Soulac, here are the cycle paths located in this northern part of the Gironde.

Cycle to the magnificent seaside resort of Soulac-sur-Mer (49.1 km), in Gironde

During your stay at the Le Vieux Moulin campsite, near Soulac, in the Médoc, enjoy a bike ride to discover the northern part of the Landes du Médoc. Many cycle paths are located nearby. Starting from your mobile home, join the cycle path parallel to the Route des Cercins, then take the Route de l’Océan to follow Vensac beach. Then travel through the neighboring town Grayan-et-l’Hôpital before reaching Soulac-sur-Mer.

In Soulac-sur-Mer, you can stroll along the seafront, admire the Notre-Dame-de-Fin-des-Terres Basilica and take a short break at the monumental Fountain and its garden. You can then join Talais, then Saint-Vivien-de-Médoc. After this busy day of cycling, relax at the swimming pool at our Médoc campsite to recharge your batteries.

Take on the Soulac-sur-Mer – Valeyrac loop (71.3 km)

Departing from Vensac, take the route along the Route de l’Hôpital to pass through Grayan before traveling through the southern part of Soulac-sur-Mer to the beach. You can then continue with a visit to the small village of Talais, in Gironde. Then, you enter the heart of the Médoc wine region in Valeyrac, Bégadan and Queyrac. Take advantage of a break to buy a bottle of AOC Médoc as well as a bottle of Bordeaux.

This route allows you to discover many aspects of the Gironde landscapes. Indeed, you travel through the towns, you enter a portion of the Landes, you follow the coast, you cycle on part of the bank of the estuary and you cross the vineyards. The route is classified as “easy” level.

circuits vélo soulac sur mer

Take part of the Vélodyssée, from Pointe de Grave to Lacanau (81 km)

The Vélodyssée is the longest cycle route set up on its own site in France: a 1,300 km route of cycle paths, crossing 9 departments and 3 regions, including the Médoc. For your stay near Soulac-sur-Mer, discover a section of this long cycle path, the one located in the Médoc territory. Departing from Pointe de Grave in Lacanau, follow the superb shaded, marked and secure cycle paths.

The route takes you along the most beautiful beaches of the Médoc: la Chambrette in Verdon-sur-Mer, the Cantines beach between Verdon-sur-Mer and Soulac-sur-Mer, the naturist beach of Saint-Nicolas (Verdon- sur-Mer), the beaches of Vendays-Montalivet. You will discover by bike the beauty of the villas of Soulac-sur-Mer, the natural riches of the Cousseau pond, the exceptional setting of Lake Hourtin and the charm of Lacanau (one of the most beautiful villages in Gironde).

Calmly ride your bike from Montalivet-les-bains to Soulac-sur-Mer (18 km)

If so far we have mentioned long-distance trails, the one that connects Soulac-sur-Mer to Montalivet is suitable for a family outing. However, it must be taken into account that this cycle path is of intermediate level.

It’s a very short version of the Vélodyssée which takes you between forest and beach. You can start from the Vieux Moulin campsite, near Soulac-sur-Mer. To shorten the route, especially if you want to make the round trip, you can stop at Amélie beach, instead of continuing to Soulac. A little advice: consider renting an electric bike to make the crossing easier.

Make the loop around Carcans-Hourtin lake

Located two and a half hours by bike from Soulac-sur-Mer, two hours from Vensac and around 4 hours from Bordeaux, Lake Hourtin is a must. With an area of ​​5,800 ha, a length of 18 km and a width of 5 km, it is the largest natural freshwater lake in France.

You can set off to tour this jewel of the Gironde from the Vélodyssée. You then take the exit from the cycle route to admire the lake from all angles. Along the way, you can explore the Dunes and Marais d’Hourtin Nature Reserve. This site presents all the landscapes of the Aquitaine coast: beaches, dunes, lake, marshes and forest.

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